What NullifySynth b1.2 looks like
What NullifySynth b1.2 looks like
feature list
3 basic waveform oscillators (All are toggleable)
1 sub oscillator (-1 octave by default)​
2 main oscillators
For now, basic waveform selection
Synth Voicing​
Monophonic / Polyphonic toggle​
Portamento timing
Synth polyphony (How many MIDI notes at one time)
Filter​​​ (All osc go through)
12 filters to choose from
Cutoff (patch in connection)​
Frequency analyzer
2 envelopes​​​
First envelope is an amplitude envelope​
Also has a patch out connection​
Second envelope has a patch out connection​
1 LFO​
Patch out connection​
Rate / Speed and Depth / Amount control
For now, basic waveform selection
1 Effect (All are toggleable)​​​
Delay timing (patch in connection)​
Feedback (patch in connection)
Dry / Wet mix (patch in connection)